Been working on a new Sunshine of the Night logo, something we can export over to CafePress and put on t-shirts and coffee mugs and clocks and skimpy ladies lingerie and mud flaps and other assorted campsite necessities. You might think that women's skivvies are not needed at any man's camp...but that's only because you've never seen Big Red's "Nailed that Sumbitch with a Single Shot" Victory Dance.
This design is born of the original Coleman "Sunshine of the Night" logo...that featured the sun pictograph with an underlined Coleman in block letters. The slogan "Sunshine of the Night" was then in smaller letters below that...always seemed like a throwaway to me. I've brought it up to a place of prominence and just left the Coleman off...this in deference to something called TM. No, not Tomato Mama.
On vacation starting tomorrow. Going to be driving around Oregon and Idaho and Montana. I've got this idea that if I get deep enough into the Nez Perce Forest, and look up at just the right branch on just the right tree, I'll find a real sweet old Forest Service lantern that my Uncle Milam left hanging in 1936.