Jun 20, 2006

A Good Bath Never Hurt Anybody

When I get a new (to me) Little Red Lantern, it's usually one that's been sitting out on a garage shelf or hanging in some rafters. Minty-types in hardcases are nice, but not the rule.LRL at Bathtime
First thing I do with my new gem is pour the contents of the fuel tank into my enamel wash basin. I then use that to give the lamp a nice bath. Wash the cobwebs off, remove some grime and soot, and generally make it look presentable. The object is not to make it look brand new...you just want it clean enough that polite people don't cringe if you hand it to them.
Of course there are some safety precautions to follow...you should probably wear gloves (I usually don't)...you should wear safety goggles (I usually don't)...and you should not smoke cigars during the process (I usually don't).
And seriously, hang the rag and let the gas evaporate from it and the basin. Don't just pour it out on the ground. Damn hillbilly.

Check eBay Now for collectable Coleman lanterns.

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